Telemedicine & Video Conference

The Clinic

Psychiatrists & Psychologists Across The State Of California

Sick, traveling or simply don’t have time to fight traffic? Not a problem. Doctors at The Clinic, with locations across the state of California, offer appointments via video or telemedicine. 

Telemedicine & Video Conference Q & A

What is Telemedicine or Video Medicine?

Telemedicine, also called video medicine or video therapy, is a form of video conferencing that allows our doctors to provide services to you in the comfort of your own home or office, or from anywhere in the world where there’s an internet connection and privacy. It also enables the opportunity for consultation with family members, teachers and other providers involved in your care.

The Clinic’s patients, as well as others around the country, receive top-quality care when treated via this technology. According to a survey published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry comparing in-office-treatment to telemedicine treatment, “there were no statistically significant differences between study groups for symptoms, quality of life, and patient satisfaction.”

What Does Telemedicine/Video Medicine Require?

Telemedicine/video medicine requires that you have access to a private space, and a computer/tablet with a camera and high-speed internet. The Clinic will provide access to secure HIPAA compliant video-conferencing. All you have to do is be on your computer and click the link provided to you at the time of your appointment.

The Clinic ensures that the interaction between every patient and his or her healthcare provider is completely secure and HIPAA compliant. The teleconferencing software instantly encrypts all forms of data, including video and audio.

What are the Benefits of Telemedicine/Video Medicine?

We understand that it’s difficult to take time away from your busy schedule to visit our office, and that often the commute may take longer than the actual appointment. With telemedicine, travel to our office ­— and the stress that accompanies it ­— is eliminated. In addition, telemedicine enables treatment continuity for patients who usually come to the office, but are sick or traveling.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our office for more information and to determine if telemedicine/video medicine is a good choice for you.

We Offer Remote Video and Telemedicine Services

(415) 843-1523

California Wildfires
Our hearts go out to those impacted by the California wildfires. We understand that this is a time of hardship for many and are offering mental health services to those in need of additional support. Please reach out to us at (415) 843-1523 to find out how we may be able to help.

To access evacuation, shelter and other recovery resources, please visit this page.